Scimitar 75/30 Bollards are static bollards, that have been crash rated to the
globally recognised standard BSi PAS 68:2010, the physical impact rating test
provides a means of testing the bollard in a real life environment, emulating a
hostile vehicle attack.
The bollards are ideal to protect larger perimeters and can provide a cohesive
line of protection to infrastructure including a stand off distance.
They can be utilised to restrict vehicle access to public areas, whilst allowing
members of the public to move freely. A row of fixed bollards will prevent a
vehicle driving at force into an unauthorised area, such as the front of an
airport terminal, sports stadium or a pedestrian retail area.
Gunnebo’s Scimitar PAS 68 Static Bollards provide a versatile
high security solution against unauthorised vehicle access or
hostile attack without the need for an outwardly aggressive
appearance. Impact testing has been undertaken at a variety of
speeds and foundation depths providing clients with a range of
bollards with varying levels of protection.
They are available in a number of finishes including paint finishes,
stainless steel sleeves and ornate sleeves, their versatility allows
them to be holistically integrated into a urban environment and
discreetly protect sites where aesthetics and public perception are
a consideration.
This is a specialist high security product and a full site risk
assessment must be carried out at design stage to ensure that all
relevant safety systems are included.
Scimitar Bollards should be installed in accordance with the
correct foundation drawings and should be installed with a clear
distance of 1200mm (measured 600mm above ground level)
between the facing edges of each bollard.
The 75/30 Scimitar bollards were physically impact tested to the
BSi PAS 68:2010 classification at MIRA Ltd used a 7500kg truck
travelling at 40mph (64 mph) the vehicle was driven into the
bollard and the fixed bollard stopped the vehicle.
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